Odds vs Skill: Tipping the Scales in Your Favor

How to Tip the Casino Odds in Your Favor

How often have you seen a headline proclaiming ‘player bags a massive casino win’ and thought, ‘I wish that was me’?

The structure of games such as blackjack and roulette means the odds are stacked against you from the start, with the in-built ‘house edge’ giving the casino an advantage.

Odds are also an integral part of the gameplay in poker, although the setup of the game pitches you against other players rather than the casino.

Regardless of which game you play, understanding how to tip the odds in your favor maximizes your chances of winning big. Let’s take a closer look.

Texas Hold’em Poker

Unlike roulette, blackjack, and other casino games, Texas Hold’em poker requires you to pit your wits against other players rather than the house.

While luck plays a part in poker, it has numerous skill elements attached to it that you can work on to improve your hopes of beating your opponents.

Table position is a major consideration in Texas Hold’em, particularly when it comes to determining which starting hands you should play.

Generally speaking, players who build a strategy around cashing in on premium hands are the ones who will be most successful in tournaments.

It is also imperative to know when to fold hands. Some players lack the ability to muck their cards even when they know they should. Developing this skill will make you a better player.


When it comes to a casino game that offers players the best chance of beating the house, blackjack stands head and shoulders above the rest.

Generally speaking, the house enjoys a two percent edge over inexperienced players, meaning that for every $100 wagered, they would lose $2 on average.

However, by perfectly implementing a system called ‘basic strategy’, players can reduce the house’s edge to virtually nothing.

Basic strategy has its roots in mathematics and is designed to guide a player about the best way to play their hand in every game situation.

Sticking rigidly to the system is the most challenging part, but if you can maintain self-discipline, you could be well on your way to making a profit at blackjack.


Although roulette is a game of chance, there is a mathematically proven strategy you can implement to guarantee you make a profit.

The Martingale System can be used to wager on even money bets. Many players use it to bet on column or dozen bets at odds of 2/1.

For instance, let’s say you place a $10 bet on 1-12. If your wager is successful, your return is $30 – a $20 profit. At this point, you can either start the system again or pocket your profit.

If the ball does not land in 1-12, you must double your original bet on the same numbers to $20 for the next spin. You continue this process until a 1-12 number lands.

Assuming four losing bets, your outlay at this point would be $150 ($10 + $20 + $40 + $80). A successful fifth bet of $160 would return $480 – a healthy profit of $170.